How to extend a garden hose
Joining two pieces of your garden hose is a fairly easy task although there are a couple of ways you can do it. First you need to decide if its a permanent or temporary extension.
Its difficult to find hoses longer than 50m so if you always require a hose longer than 50m you might need to extend a garden hose permanently.
For a more permanent extension of your hose we would suggest you use a Hose Repairer.
How to repair a garden hose
To join the hose you insert the hose ends into each side of the repairer and twist the connection until tight. That's it! This would also be the method for repairing a damaged hose except you would cut the damaged section away before inserting the hose repairer in the gap.

A temporary hose extension and mgit be more suited when you need to extend a garden hose and then detach the extension quickly. To do this you should use a hose extension joint. It will also allow you to change between different hose diameters.

This option requires you have hose connectors on each end of the hose. Simply push your push-fit hose connectors onto the extension joint. The quick release connectors mean adjusting your hoses length takes a matter of seconds. If you want a connection which doesn't release all the water when you release the connector then use a water stop.

View the complete range of Gardena Hose Fittings