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Gardena's Tough Textile Hoses, Liano Life and Liano Xtreme

Gardena's Tough Textile Hoses, Liano Life and Liano Xtreme

 The GARDENA Textile Liano hose is a range of especially tough hose pipes, designed to keep up with you in the garden. They are tough, flexible, lightweight and easy to store. 


Benefits of a textile hose over traditional style hose pipe.

The Liano range is made from an incredibly durable textile material that can withstand being dragged around tight corners and through prickly bushes. The textile material is actually modelled on seatbelt material, so you know it’s made to last! Its dirt repellent while also being protective to sensitive surfaces.


While tough, the hose is still lightweight (up to 50% lighter than traditional hoses) and can easily be stored thanks to versatile material. 

Traditional PVC garden hose pipes often retain a memory (For example if your hose it left on a reel for a long period of time then you will find it difficult to straiten again.) the Liano Xtreme hose does not have this problem, it has increased flexibility without the same memory, this means you can manoeuvre your hose around different obstacles without it trying to return to its original shape. It also wont kink, and it withstands extremely high water pressures of up to 35 bar! unlike a traditional hose the hose connector and water stop are welded on to the hose, for a secure, water-tight connection.  


You can see the design of the Liano range has a tough textile outer hose and  includes a black inner tubing in the hose, to prevent water build up and residue.


 How its been improved from the previous version

The previous Liano range, included just one version of the Liano hose, which while incredibly tough and durable, maybe wasn’t needed for every day garden use. So GARDENA created two versions, both the Liano Life, for more everyday use and the Liano Xtreme – created for even the most strenuous garden tasks that requires a particularly tough hose.


Differences between Liano life and Liano xtreme Hose

 The Liano life, while still tough and versatile, is more for everyday gardening tasks. The Liano Life can withstand water pressures of up to 22 bar and has a reduced wall thickness, making it even more lightweight and agile compared to the Liano Xtreme. The Liano Life hose comes with a fantastic 15 year warranty.

The Liano Xtreme is made for gardeners that need a hose to go that extra mile. Made from the same textile material the hose features a thicker inner wall, to allow the hose to keep up with you, keep up with even the most demanding tasks while still remaining lightweight and agile.  The Liano Xtreme hose is also dirt repellent due to the dense outer cover. With at outstanding 30 year warranty, you can rest assured the Liano Xtreme will be by your side season after season.

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