01594 841 014
(Mon-Fri 9.30am-4.30pm)
Technical Specifications
Article No. | 03719-20 |
EAN-Code: | 4078500042697 |
The 25-year warranty ensures best quality.
The wide, plastic-coated handle ensures comfortable, non-slip use.
The Telescopic Handle is suitable for all combisystem tools (with the exception of the combisystem Snow Shovel).
Using the Telescopic Handle, combisystem tools can be easily and quickly extended. The handle can be adjusted from 90 to 145 cm to fit the individual user height and working situation.
The handle is made from high-quality aluminium. This makes it particularly lightweight and yet robust.
The combisystem tool is simply inserted into the handle and screwed tight. The reliable technology guarantees secure and reliable tool performance.